151 Chadburn Squadron

News Update – Nov 17 2019

Important reminders for all cadets and parents.


Recruit Graduation

Our first Recruit Course of this year will be graduating this Monday evening at the school. Recruit parents are invited into the gym for the ceremony as well as all other parents and cadets. The ceremony begins at 2100hrs. Please try not to be too early, it’s difficult to accommodate everyone as we wait to begin.

Poinsettia Orders

All cadets including Recruits are asked to bring in their completed poinsettia order form as well as funds collected this Monday evening. Staff will be present at the school during sign in to collect forms and money. Please get those last minute orders if you haven’t done it yet.

Tri-Service Christmas Dinner and Dance

This is a very special event put on for not just our cadets but all the Sea, Army, and Air Cadets from the surrounding area. This formal event includes a full course dinner as well as a dance with D.J. It is the formal social event of the year and all our cadets are encouraged to buy a ticket and attend. The date of the event is Friday 06 Dec/2019, tickets $25 and are on sale now.       Please see Capt. Bliss or Lt. DiLoreto.

New Recruit Course

Our second recruit course will commence 1930hrs, Monday 25 Nov/2019 at the cadet hall. Please tell your friends and interested parents to visit our web site and plan to attend the information night.     See Capt. McAteer.


Maj B Weigel

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