151 Chadburn Squadron

Summer Course Departure Connaught,

Departure Instructions are now available for any cadet(except Staff) with a summer training course at Connaught.

Course Cadets will be leaving for Connaught on Sunday July 9, from the Landmark Theatre Plaza, 75 Consumers Road, Whitby. We will be meeting in the parking lot, to the North and west of Chucke& Cheese. Look for the Chadburn Sign.

Cadets are asked to be there by 6:40 AM with the bus departing at 07:30 AM.

The following documents/id are required for departure :
Health Card
Cadet Transportation form
Code of Conduct form
Summer Course Offer (we will provide this)
Cadet are to be dressed in their Summer Uniform(Wedge, Blue Shirt, Cadet Pants/Belt, Socks, Boots(shined). Please remove your name tag and rank slip-ons.

Please see the joining instructions for a detailed kit list and other important information.

Please send a note to 151rcacs@gmail.com if you have any questions.

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