151 Chadburn Squadron

Summer Training Immunization Records – Mandatory

Recently, there have been cases reported of measles in several provinces. With cadets about to to attend a summer training course there is now a requirement to have an updated immunization record for cadets and staff going to a Cadet Training Centre (CTC). Note that measles (and the measles vaccination) is not the only concern. Other diseases prevented by vaccination may also present a problem at a CTC, e.g. meningococcal disease, whooping cough and varicella(chicken pox). Vaccinations for these should also be updated.

Included is a letter from the Commanding Officer for our Regional Cadet Support Unit which will include the details of what is required. This is MANDATORY for every cadet attending a summer training course.  

Measles Immunization Letter

Please contact one of our Summer Training Officers is you have further questions.



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