151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch, Issue #12, Week of Dec. 6, 2015


Proudly Sponsored for over 70 years by:

The Rotary Club of Oshawa

                                                            Issue # 12                                                   

Week of Dec 6, 2015

Cadets of the Week

Tri Service Cadet  Dance – Lviv Ukrainian Hall

For many years, 151 Squadron has hosted the annual Tri-Service Christmas Ball.  From very humble beginnings, this event has evolved into an event that cadets from all over Durham Region look forward to and actually push their staff to attend.  This year we had the maximum number of cadets the Lviv Hall could hold.  We managed to feed 370 cadets and all of the escort staff a great meal and provide them with an evening of fun and dancing. 

Warrant officers and their guests from all of the different cadet units in attendance


The meal this year consisted of salad, mashed potatoes, a medley of beans and carrots

as well as roast beef and stuffed chicken. The desert was an apple turn over with vanilla ice cream.

Something new this year

Our drum major brought along his fellow school Jazz Band musicians who provided the cadets with   

an impromptu concert of popular music before the dance music started.

If you attend enough of these dances you soon find out that one of the most popular

songs is YMCA. It never fails to get the cadets motivated.


The Glassy Boot Award

LAC E. Boyden

FSgt R. Barton

WO2 B. Medina

WO2 A. Lloyd

F/Sgt M. Singh

F/Sgt A. Carson

WO2 E. Dellipizzi

F/Cpl F.Chandler

Sgt J.Hancock

F/Cpl J.Hancock

F/Cpl H. Kennedy

F/Cpl M. Anthony

F/Cpl R. Sealy

F/Cpl T. Talhouk

F/Cpl B. Wardell

WO1 A.Hembruff

Future Cadet Activities










Outdoor Training

Ganaraska Forest





Outdoor Training

Ganaraska Forest


Our Glider and Power Flying Scholarship Candidates

At school in the Justice Wing at Durham College

The power scholarship candidates learn the ins and outs of a flight computer with the help of our scholarship instructor C/I Todd Petzold.

Todd has been instructing our cadets for some 28 years and his efforts have resulted in our Squadron having a remarkable

success rate when it comes to flying scholarships for our cadets.

Here are all of this year’s scholarship candidates both glider and power.

Thoughts From the Treadmill

It has been an extremely busy week leading up to the Tri-Service Dance.  It is always a pleasure to see the joy on the cadet’s faces as they share the evening with their friends and companions from not only Chadburn Squadron, but other units as well.  Like all of our activities, a lot of very hard work went in to running this event, I would like to thank all of the staff who came out and lent a hand.  It really doesn’t happen without you all helping out.  A special thank you to Officer Cadet Di Loreto for taking the lead on this project and handling it so well.  It is hard enough trying to collect ticket money from our own cadets over the weeks leading up to the dance, but throw in the other 10 cadet units that were in attendance and the task gets pretty difficult at times.  Bravo Zulu

Our annual field training at Ganaraska is happening next weekend, if you have signed up, please make sure to show up. 

Something that we aren’t always the best at teaching and encouraging is looking after your friends when we are out in the woods.  In the army they used to refer to your partner as your battle buddy or just ‘battle’. The idea was that in the field or in the barracks, you would have each other’s backs and look out for them.  This would be making sure they were doing OK as far as food and warmth as well as the mental side of chatting and taking an interest in their personal feelings and emotions.   I don’t really want to think in those terms of “battle buddies”, for cadets but the idea behind it is really worth looking at, especially with training in the cold.  Please make sure you look out for each other and if you think something needs to be addressed, talk to the NCO or adult with your group.  It is not supposed to be too cold next weekend, but let’s try to play it safe. 

I would like to pass on my personal condolences and those of Chadburn Squadron to two of our staff who lost their grandfather on Friday.  Andrew and Kristen, we are thinking of you and your family at this time.  Your grandfather was always supportive of you as cadets and he will look down on the great work you are doing now as volunteers with the cadet program with a smile on his face. 

That’s all for now.

Stay Safe and Have a Great Week

Major Bliss

Aviation Photo of the Week

Jessica Cox

A Pilot Born Without Arms

Jessica Cox was born without arms as a result of a rare birth defect. That has not stopped her from living her life to the fullest in fact, Ms Cox has experienced and achieved more than most people do in a lifetime. She can drive a car, fly a plane and play piano, all with her feet.  Ms Cox, 30, travels around the world as a motivational speaker, using her own life as an example of what one can achieve if one wants it enough.

Like to see her fly, check out the video at:


A recent email  from Weldon Howell

A former staff member at 151

“I have met Jessica a couple times at Oshkosh. She has an Ercoupe similar to mine, so we had some
common ground. She’s a sweetheart, good looking and a pleasant personality, not very big. She’s well educated and
is a teacher and speaker. I didn’t detect any signs of “poor me”.
At one time I talked to her, she opened her purse with a foot, removed a bill from her billfold to pay
for a book.
She’s a great little lady.

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151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Proudly Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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