151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch, Issue #13, Week of Jan 16, 2017


Proudly Sponsored for over 74 years by:

The Rotary Club of Oshawa

Issue # 13

Week of Jan 16, 2017

This Year is Our 75th Anniversary

Cadet of the Week

Capt Elms Air Rifle Competition

Moss Park Armouries Toronto

Over the holiday, members of the Squadron’s Marksmanship Team participated in the shooting competition held at Moss Park Armoury in Toronto.

The Squadron actually sent two different five person teams to the competition. One of the teams placed second overall and Flight Corporal Paterson placed first in the junior category.  Congratulations to everyone who participated and thank you to the staff who worked so hard to get the teams ready.



New Members of the Royal Order of the Glassy Boot

Receive Their Membership Certificates

This past week a number of cadets received their certificates confirming that

they are now official members of the Royal Order of the Glassy Boot

WO 1 C.Abraham





WO2 A.Carson

F/Sgt. F.Chandler

F/Sgt T.Talhouk

F/Sgt D.Lloyd








D. Buller




E. Boyden






S. Mahadeo


Power Familiarization Flying

We have had some great success with our familiarization flying program so far this year.  If you would like to go flying please sign up on the Signup Genius site.



Chadburn Ski Day!!

Once again, the Squadron will be heading to Mount St. Louis – Moonstone ski hill.   We have planned to take a bus load of cadets skiing on February 19th.  Thank you to the Rotary Club for subsidizing the cost of this trip for every cadet.  We have received great pricing from Mount St. Louis and the Squadron will be covering the cost of the bus.  The prices are on the Signup Genius web site.  Money will be collected starting in a couple of weeks.  We will let the cadets know when their money is due. 



Chadburn Squadron Music Program

This past week the squadron held auditions for this year’s competition band. Over the coming months, the band will represent the Squadron in competitions and concerts in the eastern Ontario Area and hopefully advance to compete at the provincial level.

 Current members of the band on parade at this week’s band practice

Future members of the Squadron Band

While members of the band practiced at the school these recently enrolled cadets and

new recruits were receiving basic musical training in our cadet hall.

Everyone is proud of the achievements and awards that our band has brought to our squadron. Over the past three years our band has come out in first place at three consecutive provincial cadet band competitions. They have twice been part of the program at the International Military Tattoo at the Copps Coliseum in Hamilton and they have also put on a concert at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton.

Thoughts from the Elliptical

Not much thinking going on the elliptical this week other than ” holy cow, when did this get so hard”  I have been somewhat out of commission with a bad back for the last few months and this has unfortunately caused me to stay away from the exercise machine a lot more than I would like.  While I am getting back up to speed, I think it may be a while to get back to 100 percent. 

In talking with Captain Brosseau, who is running the familiarization program for the Squadron, it has come to my attention that not too many people have signed up for this activity.  I am hoping that this is because we haven’t done a very good job of advertising this fantastic opportunity.  We have a great team of very enthusiastic pilots who are willing to spend their time flying our cadets.  This is a very expensive activity to run, but because of the importance of getting as many cadets up in the air as possible,  the Squadron and the Rotary Club of Oshawa subsidize this activity quite heavily.  All we ask from each cadet is to pay $10.00 per flight to help offset the cost and make sure that we are able to get as many cadets up as possible.  This is for an approximately 45 minute flight.

The unfortunate thing about flying is that it is not much fun when the weather closes in and at this time of year, the weather can close in pretty quickly.  We do our best to line up flying for the good weather, but sometimes it just doesn’t work in our favour.  If you are interested, please sign up on the link above.  I would love to see as many cadets as possible experience the thrill of flight.

Eight of our cadets wrote their Flying Scholarship exams yesterday, we will find out how they did over the next couple of weeks.  Now it is on to the interview phase of the selection process, I wish them all well on this journey.  It is time to start getting up to speed on current events and knowing the key players in the Canadian government and military for the interviews.  We never quite know what questions are going to be asked on the interviews, but those things are always good to know.  

That’s all for now.

Stay Safe and Have a Great Week

Major Bliss

Our 75th Anniversary Photo

151 Cadets Attend United States CAP Summer Camps at Wright Paterson AFB 1963

Few if any members of 151 today may know that in the early 1960’s our squadron had a strong relationship with the

United States Air Force, “Civil Aviation Patrol” in the State of Ohio. This is a similar program to our air cadet program with the

exception that cadets could remain in the program until they were 21.  For approximately 3 years our squadron sent

cadets to their week long CAP summer Encampment at Wright Paterson AFB in Ohio.  These were great opportunities for our cadets

who had a chance to participate and be part of CAP cadet training activities at one of America’s most historical and

famous military airfields.

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151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Proudly Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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