151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch Issue # 15, Jan 6, 2012



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Issue 15

Week of Jan. 6, 2013


Duke of Edinburgh


For the Duke of Edinburgh cadets who did not attend the roller skating night OR did not have their books completed.  Please bring your UP TO DATE book and hand it in to Mrs. Boyden or Mr. Biffin at the beginning of the evening.  We will look through them and get them back to you after closing parade.   


Roller Skating at Coachlite Gardens


As one can see from the photos lasts year’s Christmas roller skating party was a great success with just over 130 cadets in attendance.




Glassy Boot Award

Honourable Members


F/Cpl Barton, Sgt. Hembruff, Cpl Milne, WO2 Bauer, Sgt. Boyden, Sgt. Katzer, Cpl. Hancock, Sgt. Chandler WO2  Smith

F/Sgt Bliss, Sgt Mogosh, Cpl Hewett, F/Cpl Shaw, Sgt. Keller, Cpl Zdebiak, F/Cpl J. Ehrt, WO2 Neill, Sgt Sheppard, Sgt Sam


Simcoe Hall Settlement House

Christmas Food Drive 2012


This year’s roller skating party took on an new twist as cadet parents set up a competition to see which flight could collect  the most food items for the Simcoe Hall

Settlement House annual Christmas food drive. This was the first time that the Squadron has participated in this type of activity and

they collected just over 500 items which were donated to the food bank.

The band flight ended up the winner of the competition and the Squadron will be arranging a pizza party for the flight.



Thoughts from The Treadmill.

A new calendar year is upon us and with it comes a time to not only look back on a very successful year, but to look forward to what lays ahead.

2012 saw some very big events happen for the Chadburn Squadron family.  We bid farewell to some long standing staff and wondered what we would do without them.  We welcomed some new staff into the fold and got everyone up to speed on their new jobs.  We hosted the cadets from Thunder Bay and surrounding areas for the Interprovincial Cadet Exchange, the time flew by, but a good time was had by all.  This rolled into our Change of Command in May with the trip to Dayton Ohio following. 

Time for a break….not so quick, our third ever fund-raising golf tournament turned out to be a great success with the weather gods looking out for us and a great group of staff and many volunteers working to bring it all together.

Summer training was once again a very busy experience for many of our cadets and the staff required to outfit them and making sure they were prepared.

August saw a group of thirty cadets and staff visit our friends in Wells, England for the second time and continue what is turning out to be a very long standing friendship.  I am not sure when the next visit will be, but we are in steady communication with our friends overseas. 

The first three months of the 2012-2013 training year have been very busy.  Ganaraska, Tag days, NCO Course and all of the regular activities thrown in have kept us hopping. They say it keeps us young, but I know the Christmas break was well received by all.

The problem with year in review things is that something always gets missed.  I know that if I asked each cadet, something different would stand out as the high point of the year.  The joy is in looking back at the good times, and learning from those things that didn’t go as well as we would like. So looking forward, we see more training, more competitions, more summer camp applications and tag days and parades and trips but most importantly, more time with friends. 


If you have been in the hall lately you have probably noticed the display board on the east wall of the parade square.  It is slowly but surely filling up with photos of former cadets who have gone on to serve in the military.  Take time to have a look, some are pretty recent grads of our system, some are retired from the military already, they all have the same thing in common in that they answered the call of duty and served their country.  If you know of anyone who has been a Chadburn cadet and gone on into the military please have them get in touch with me.

Last Note

I would like each and every one of you to challenge yourselves.  Look outside of your comfort zone and try something new.  Set a goal to get on the glassy boot list, mentor a junior cadet, learn a new piece of music or a new drill movement, aim for that extra point on your next target, whatever your challenge, stick to it until you are successful, and then challenge yourself again.  I have seen cadets do wonderful things and know that each and every one of you has it in you to reach that little bit higher.   

Happy New Year,

Major Bliss


Aviation Photo Of the Week

The History of the Roundel on Canadian Military Aircraft




The ancestry of the Royal Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force roundel can be traced to the French Revolution and then Napoleonic French soldiers. Counter clockwise from upper right: 1: A typical French Cockade of the 18th and 19th Centuries, was made from tricoloured ribbon to mimic the French Republic flag. 2: A French soldier’s cap from the 19th Century, known as a “shako”, sporting a cockade; 3: Next, we see the original Cockade worn by French military aircraft during the early part of the First World War; 4: Finally, the British, who originally used a Union Flag on the fuselages and wings of their military aircraft, decided to copy the French, but reverse the order of the colours. It was thought that the George’s Cross in the middle of the Union Flag or “Jack”, was being misidentified as a German Iron Cross, then in use as an identifier of

the enemy’s aircraft.

To learn more about the history of our Canadian Roundel check out the following Vintage Wings link as  it contains an interesting and extensive collection of aviation photos.




The current Canadian Roundel

as it appears today


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151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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