151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch Issue # 16, Jan. 13, 2013



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The Rotary Club of Oshawa


Issue 16

Week of Jan. 13, 2013


2013 Summer Training Applications – Last Call


This is the last call for any cadet that has not applied for a Summer Training Course this summer. Please ensure that you provide Mr. Biffin an application form by January 21, 2013. The forms can be found under Resources, Summer Training.


Annual Squadron Sports Competition

Sponsored by 172 Squadron in Bowmanville


Saturday and Sunday this week saw our cadets competing in 172 Squadron’s annual sports meet. There were eight different squadrons and Corps involved and the cadets competed in competitions involving Basketball, Floor hockey, European Handball, Volleyball and a Tug of War competition. The Squadron came in second overall and our team came first in the tug of war competition.





A Squadron Alumni

Presentation Of the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal

To Sgt. Scott Baker RCAF



Long time greetings from Sgt Scott Baker, Royal Canadian Air Force.  I was just reading the most recent issue of “The Dispatch” and came across your message, particularly the part you wrote concerning Photos.  I am enclosing a recent photo of me that was taken during the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal presentation ceremony held at 33 CF Health Services Centre at CFB Kingston on 26 November 2012.  I hope that you might be able to find a spot on the display board for the photo (as per your request for photos of former members of 151 Sqn who are currently serving in the Canadian Forces).  The most important reason for sending the photo, is to show that every single cadet in the Sqn has the ability to achieve their goals and enjoy the same level of success in their own careers that I have had (be it in, or out of the military) – and 151 Sqn is the perfect starting point.


As I have often commented throughout my career in the Air Force (28 years and counting), is the fact that having been a member of 151 Chadburn Sqn was without a doubt one of the best experiences I have had in my life spent in uniform.  The knowledge, experience, values, and discipline acquired as a cadet in one of the top Squadrons in Canada set me on the path to success in the Air Force.  I hope that the same values and discipline are being passed on to the current generation of cadets, so that they too can be better citizens and leaders of tomorrow.


Wishing you, the Officers, Staff and Cadets of 151 Chadburn Sqn all the best in 2013.



Glassy Boot Award

Honourable Members


F/Cpl Barton, Sgt. Hembruff, Cpl Milne, WO2 Bauer, Sgt. Boyden, Sgt. Katzer, Cpl. Hancock, Sgt. Chandler WO2  Smith

F/Sgt Bliss, Sgt Mogosh, Cpl Hewett, F/Cpl Shaw, Sgt. Keller, Cpl Zdebiak, F/Cpl J. Ehrt, WO2 Neill, Sgt Sheppard, Sgt Sam, F/Cpl Abraham


Model Building Contest


Get ready model builders as next week we will be looking for cadets who would like to be part of our annual 1/48 scale plastic model building contest.

This is a great opportunity to get involved with a new hobby while at the same time learning something about aviation history and model building. To show what can be accomplished we have included a photo of one of the top models a P47 Thunderbolt from last year’s competition.



Thoughts From The Treadmill


Another busy week has come and gone, we have had people preparing for Flying Scholarship exams, sports competitions, drill team, band and shooting, all this on top of Monday night parade and the recruit course running.  This was truly a seven day week for Chadburn Squadron.   I know that it seems like a lot, but I want you all to remember that with summer training coming up and all of the paperwork that is required for Chadburn to operate, we always have staff working seven days a week.  Try to remember that if something doesn’t happen as fast as you would like.


Pictures are trickling in from former cadets who are in the military now.  Still a lot to come in I hope.  Looking at the board and reading letters like the one from Sgt Baker in this week’s Dispatch makes a person stop and think about what a large impact Chadburn Squadron and the cadet program have had on so many people.  Would they have chosen the career path of the military without the start they received with us?  Would they have been as successful if they didn’t have these roots to grow from?  I guess we can’t ever really know the answer, but I know we receive a lot of comments from former cadets thanking Chadburn for everything they received from the Squadron.   As we try to tell cadets, the stuff you learn here will help you down the road.   It may not always seem to make sense to you, but stick with it and someday you will have one of those V8 moments and say “Ahhhh, now I know what they were talking about”.


Have a Safe Week

Major Bliss


       Aviation Photo Of the Week

The Only Air Worthy Mosquito in the World is Coming to Canada




The only flying De Havilland Mosquito will have a busy schedule in North America this summer. The aircraft, which was originally built in Toronto Canada and then completely rebuilt in New Zealand will be shipped to North America where it will appear at a number of airshows this coming season, The Mosquito will headline the Hamilton Air Show June 15-16. In addition to its solo performance the Mosquito will join a formation flight of Warbirds that will include the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Lancaster bomber along with a Spitfire and a Hurricane.




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151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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