151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch, Issue # 2, Week of Sept. 18, 2011

The Leaping Lynx

The leaping Lynx that you see on our new email header as well as the Squadron website may get some puzzled looks as some may wonder why such an image could be of relevance to an air cadet unit.

The Leaping Lynx is actually the center piece of our Squadron’s crest and it has historic significance for our Squadron as well as 416 City of Oshawa Squadron RCAF. You see the artwork was originally created as nose art on the Spitfires of 416 Squadron whose first commanding officer was S/L Lloyd Chadburn. The design was originally created in 1943 by LAC Mathew Ferguson at an airfield in Peterhead Scotland.

Chad with the Lynx

New Recruits!! 


The New Recruit and Parent Information meeting will be this Monday at 7:30 PM at Rotary Hall.

 If you know of someone who would like to join the Squadron please let them know. 

Recreation Aircraft Association – Annual Fly In, Hawke Field

This year Squadron cadets assisted the Recreational Aircraft Association with their annual fly in which is held each year at Hawke field. This is a privately owned airfield with a 3000′ grass runway and it is located just west of Orono. This year with almost perfect weather the field was filled with a large collection of privately owned aircraft which ranged from ultra lites, to home built aircraft, to twins and float aircraft. By the end of the day there was at least 100 aircraft in and out of the field. It was just a great opportunity for cadets to be part of the aviation world and to see recreational flying first hand.

Lakeview Park

Our Sponsor the Rotary Club held one of its major fund raising events this past weekend. As you can see we had cadet there to help Rotary by cleaning tables and this year we also sold bottled water to raise funds for the Squadron. As you can see the Squadron had its own booth where visitors could learn about the cadet program and perhaps pick up a ticket for the Air Cadet Lottery.


Glider Flying

As you can see cadets had not even had its first formal parade but there were already no less than three cadet activities this past weekend. One of the other activities was glider flying at Markham airport.



Aviation Photo of The Week!

Johanna goes Flying with the Snowbirds

This week we have something special, no photo but a You Tube presentation of a television interview as it appeared on CBC News world. The subject is none other than Johanna Wagstaffe a former Squadron Warrant officer from 151 Squadron who managed to go on a flight with the Snowbirds. Johanna is now one of the regular weather announcers on the CBC and she has been back to the Squadron as a guest speaker at one of our mess dinners. Have a look, it was one of those special occasions you can only dream about.



If readers wish to learn more about the cadet organization or view presentations of past cadet activities go to “About Us/ Web Links” at Chadburn.org.

Past issues of the newsletter are also available on the Chadburn.org home page.

If you have comments or suggestions on ways to improve our newsletter, our website or if you wish to unsubscribe from this email please notify rgilbank@rogers.com

151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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