151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch Issue # 21, Week of 17 Feb 2013


Proudly Sponsored for over 70 years by:

The Rotary Club of Oshawa 

Issue 21

Week of Feb 17, 2013

Remember this Monday its Roller Skating at Coachlite Gardens!!!

No uniforms and you can bring your own skates if you wish.

Cadets of the Week

Public Speaking Contest

Cadets who are interested in taking part in the Air Cadet League’s annual public competition should contact Capt. Donahue.

The first zone event  in the competition will take place on March 2, 2013.

Model Building

For the first time in many years we are holding model building classes on Wednesday evenings at the hall.

This is open to all those cadets who are building models for the upcoming model building contest which will be held on the last Monday evening this month. 

A New Member of the Canadian Forces

Many cadets who age out of the cadet program would like to continue their involvement with cadet program. Now there is an opportunity for highly motivated ex cadets to enrol in the Canadian Forces as cadet officers but not as a member of the local cadet unit. Instead they can join the Cadet instructor Cadre where they become part of a pool of ex cadets. These Officer Cadets can take courses, work at summer camps or assist at any cadet squadron in the province.  This means that enthusiastic and capable ex cadets who would like to remain in the cadet organization can now be part of the cadet program while attending university or other post-secondary institutions. This past week another one of our former squadron cadets Amanda Stacey enrolled in this program at a special swearing in ceremony held at the Squadron’s headquarters.

It perhaps not well known but our squadron has actually enrolled three other former cadets in this program and there is another ex-cadet who will be enrolled in the near future. This will mean that five former cadets from our Squadron will have joined the Forces with the expectation that they will eventually rejoin our Squadron or another cadet unit in the Province of Ontario.

Recruit Graduation Parade

This past Monday the Squadron welcomed 15 new recruits into the Squadron at a special graduation parade held at the school. Prior to the swearing in ceremony the squadron conducted an Inspection and march past for the entire squadron. The new cadets then marched in and were sworn is as full-fledged members of the squadron. In the last photo one can see two cadets who were selected as the top cadets on the course and both received a special award to commemorate the occasion.

Valentine Dance

Although our Valentine Dance had to be cancelled last week the annual event took place this week in the squadron Headquarters. As one can see from the photos it was a great evening and one of those events where cadets can forget about parades and shoe polish and just have a fun time being an air cadet.

Glassy Boot Award

Honourable Members

F/Cpl Barton, Sgt. Hembruff, Cpl Milne, WO2 Bauer, Sgt. Boyden, Sgt. Katzer, Cpl. Hancock, Sgt. Chandler WO2  Smith

F/Sgt Bliss, Sgt Mogosh, Cpl Hewett, F/Cpl Shaw, Sgt. Keller, Cpl Zdebiak, F/Cpl J. Ehrt, WO2 Neill, Sgt Sheppard, Sgt Sam, F/Cpl Abraham

Cpl C. Swatridge, AC J. Hancock, F/Cpl D. Lloyd, F/Cpl C.Brandow, Cpl M.Achan, F/Cpl V. Singh

If readers watch our weekly activities list each week they will see that boot shining appears on most weekly schedules. This past week we dropped in and managed to get a couple of photos of some of our cadets who were busily engaged in the pursuit of the perfect shine. To some this may seem a waste of time and a pointless task as it only takes a careless footstep to spoil an evening’s hard work. However experience shows that cadets who end up with a high shine on their boots tend to have an increased pride in their personal appearance as well as an increased enthusiasm and pride in being an air cadet.

Thoughts From The Treadmill

Well, it has been a few weeks since I not only submitted my thoughts, but also since I climbed on the treadmill.  I thank both Lt. Mastroianni and the Recruit Training staff for their guest spots.  It is interesting to read some of the other staff member’s thoughts from time to time.  After only a few minutes on the treadmill this evening, my legs are kind of wishing they could get someone to fill in for them too.  I don’t know when trying to get ‘back’ into shape became so hard. 

So many things have happened and are continuing to happen that fill my thoughts.  I would like to welcome all of the new recruits that were sworn in last week and let them know that although I wasn’t able to be there, my thoughts were certainly in the gym with them.  My civilian work unfortunately does get in the way of this part of my life sometimes.

As you can see in the newsletter this week, I had the honour of swearing Officer Cadet Amanda Stacey into the Canadian Forces last Wednesday, although she is extremely busy with school, OCdt Stacey makes the time to coach the shooting team on Tuesdays and Saturdays.  Hopefully after school she will settle somewhere close enough that she is able to continue with the Chadburn family.  It still excites me when I see a young person taking that first step on a career with the Cadet Instructor Cadre.   I didn’t mention last month that I also had the pleasure of swearing in Officer Cadet Don Chandler, that was an oversight on my part, and although Mr. Chandler has previously served as an officer in the military, it is still an important milestone.

The last thought I’m going to share this week is one that gets me a little hot under the collar.  Rotary Hall has been the home of Chadburn Squadron for many years, and the vast majority of people (both cadets and civilian) treat the building with respect.  Since we have had the outside refinished and beautified, there seems to be an element that really enjoys doing whatever damage they can.  Mr. Lloyd has spent a great deal of time repairing spindles on the stairway on the driveway exit.  I can’t honestly count the number of times vandals have broken them.  We are going to have to look at something a bit sturdier obviously.  The latest incident saw at least eight spindles broken in less than a 24 hour period with one of them then being used to break the window on the front door.  I am asking that if anyone has information as to the identity of the vandals please let me know.  Also if you are driving by the hall and see something suspicious, please call the police and let them know.  Rotary Hall is our home, but it is also a City of Oshawa owned building, they would like to stop the damage as well. 

Don’t forget to get your Mess Dinner Tickets, the dinner is on March 3rd.

Have a great and safe week.

Maj. Bliss

Aviation Photo Of the Week

The Space Shuttles Front Office 

The last Space Shuttle is now in Los Angeles and  here is one final picture of the cockpit with

everything powered on for one last picture before the electronics and secret items were removed. 

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151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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