151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch, Issue #28, Week of April 24, 2016


Proudly Sponsored for over 70 years by:

The Rotary Club of Oshawa

Issue # 28

Week of Apr 24, 2016

Cadet of the Week

Cpl Boyden

A Video Message from Johanna Wagstaffe

Meteorologist for CBC Television

Johanna Wagstaffe, meteorologist for CBC and former Air Cadet at 151 Squadron

shares her best memories of being an air cadet.  This was filmed back in the fall for presentation at the Air Cadet League’s Annual General Meeting.

To see the video click on the following link


Squadron Photos

A week ago it was photo night at 151. The goal was to provide to cadets and staff with a memorable collection of photos of all of the activities that they were a part of during the cadet year.

There were photos of not only the whole squadron but also each and every team such as the band, sports and rifle team.

All of the photos will be available to the cadets at a nominal cost prior to the annual inspection. Cadets who would like a professional

version should make sure they get their order in as soon as possible.

Below are just two samples of the many group photos that were taken during the evening.

151 Chadburn Squadron

Squadron Marksmanship Team

Band and Drill Competition

CFB Kingston

Both the squadron band and drill teams competed in the Eastern Ontario Band and Drill competitions that were held the past weekend.

We are thrilled to announce that out of 12 teams participating in the Drill With Arms (which means the Drill Purpose Rifle they use), 151 Squadron came in First in the Easter Ontario Area.

We are as equally ecstatic to announce that our band has also placed first in their category at the competition.  Bravo Zulu to all involved. 

Future Cadet Activities










Public. Speaking C.

Mohawk College





Public Speaking C.

Mohawk College






CFB Mountainview


28, 29, 30

Thurs – Sat


Tag days






Tag day






Annual Inspection

Legends Centre

2000 hrs








Current Members of the Glassy Boot Society


E. Boyden


R. Barton


B. Medina


A. Lloyd


M. Singh


A. Carson


E. Dellipizzi



Sgt J.Hancock




H. Kennedy


M. Anthony


R. Sealy


T. Talhouk


B. Wardell


N. Rabjohn


J. Perreria


R. Swanton


A .Bone


  C. Abraham


K. Espe


S. Mahadeo


M. Annis

The Squadron Warrant Officer checking out  a cadet for a glassy boot award.

Guest Speakers at the Rotary Club’s Noon Hour Luncheon

LCol David Forbes and Major Ian DeCarlo

Last week,  these two former Squadron Warrant Officers and current RCAF Pilots were the guest speakers at a Rotary Club noon hour luncheon.  It is very rewarding to see alumni coming back to the Rotary Club as well as the Squadron to share their experiences. LCol Forbes will be the Reviewing Officer at our 74th Annual Ceremonial Review on May 18th.

Rotary Guests with Rotary and Squadron Members

Thoughts From the Treadmill

I was extremely fortunate to be able to attend the Eastern Ontario Area Band and Drill Competition on Saturday.  My civilian work schedule lately has not always made it possible for me to get out to the things that I want to, luckily, the stars (and trains) lined up for a change. I was able to see the very impressive combined group of cadets that make up our two display teams.  They were inspected as one big group, and although there are several cadets who are members of both teams, there were still over 40 cadets on parade being marked on their uniforms.  From there, the two groups split up and readied themselves for the actual competition.  As nervous as I am sure the cadets are leading up to these events and during the actual demonstration, the staff and parents in attendance were equally on edge. A collective sigh when it was all done and then straight onto the bus to take us to the arena on the base for the band portion of the competition.

Unlike a lot of competitions, we were not able to see the other bands that we were competing against. It was a matter of simply getting out there and doing the absolute best they could.  I didn’t realize I could hold my breath as long as that, but after a few tense moments, and a very impressive amount of noise from the almost 40 staff and parents that made the trip to Kingston, it was over.  I was able to speak with the organizing officer, our Area Cadet Officer and the Detachment Commander, and they were all very impressed.  Apparently the judges were too, as mentioned above, both the Drill Team and the Band placed first in their groups and will move on to compete at the provincial competition later in May.

Now for a really interesting part of this.  Back in March, I received a phone call while I was out of town with work, apparently there was a very large problem in that the Drum Major couldn’t attend the Band Competition due to a school trip.  Some names were thrown around and different scenarios presented until it was decided to ask someone from right outside the band to try to get up to speed in time to be the Drum Major for the competition.  Warrant Officer Lloyd agreed to take on the task.  I know we have all led a band (or played some really bad air guitar or drums) over the years while listening to whatever music we choose to, but to put someone with no musical experience in front of the defending top band in Ontario and expect them to succeed was a pretty big order. I saw very little of the many, many hours of practice with different experienced Drum Majors over the last month, but I did hear the stories of dropped maces, banged melons and some frustration.  On Saturday at the competition, I found that I was watching WO Lloyd more than I was watching the band. Apparently, practice should include wearing a wedge, clearance was a bit tight on the one move, but like a true professional, he stuck with it and didn’t lose his nerve.  A few minutes later and gasp…the mace hit the floor, once again he maintained his composure, said a very polite thank you to the judge that handed him back the mace and carried on, I don’t know if he saw my thumbs up out there, but I was sure sending all the positive energy I could muster his way.  Well although it wasn’t a perfect display on the part of the Drum Major, it was certainly good enough in the eyes of the judges.  I am very proud to announce that the Drum Major, Warrant Officer Andrew Lloyd, was named the Top Drum Major at the competition.  I can only imagine that he will continue to improve as he prepares himself for the provincial competition next month.

I’d like to say thank you to all of the staff who have given up so much of their time to prepare these cadets for this competition, I hope the results and the pride the cadets have in their accomplishments make it all worthwhile.  I would also like to thank the organizing staff from Trenton Detachment, a few hiccups along the way, but an extremely well run competition.  The timings looked very tight when I saw them a couple of weeks ago, but at the end of the day, the whole thing ran very smoothly. 

I would like to wish the Marksmanship team good luck as they embark on the next phase of their competition season.  Five cadets led by 2Lt Stacey will fly to Gimli Manitoba on Monday next week to compete in the National Cadet Marksmanship Championship.

Also, good luck to those cadet who are attending the Air Cadet Debating competition in Hamilton this weekend under the guidance of Mr. Wade.  This is the first time the Squadron has participated in this competition and I am very interested to hear how it goes. 

Tag Day weekend starts tomorrow, please remember that the money raised during this weekend allows us to do those extra things that the military and the Rotary Club don’t fund.  Please give it your best effort and represent the Squadron in a positive manner. 

That’s all for now.

Be Safe and Have a Great Week

Major Bliss

Aviation Photo of the Week

Boeing Phantom Eye

This all new unmanned drone has incredible capability.

It can currently stay aloft for 4 days but soon will soon stay up 10 days.

While designed as a surveillance platform, it carries a 5 ton payload that includes Hellfire missiles.

Flying at 65,000 feet – the very edge  of space, it is just about out of range of missiles.

Take a look: Click on



Aviation Photo – A Comment re “The Yellow Piper Cub”.

Most of our readers know that our email goes not only to cadets and alumni but others who follow the squadron’s activities across Canada. Just yesterday we received the following comment from one of our

readers on Vancouver Island who forwards our newsletter to friends and associates on the west coast.

Thanks for this.  It is a beautiful homage to a great little “institution”. It sits in the same place as Canadian pilot/ pioneers feel for the Tiger Moth and, later, the Chipmunk.


Please Note

Previous issues of the Dispatch may be found on our web site, Chadburn.org. To view past issues access the home page and then click on News.

The most recent news letters will be listed there while previous news letters may be accessed by clicking on the “view all news” heading located at the bottom of the section.

If you have comments or suggestions on ways to improve our newsletter or if you wish to unsubscribe from this email please notify


151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Proudly Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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