151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch, Issue #29, 21 April 2013


Proudly Sponsored for over 70 years by:

The Rotary Club of Oshawa 

Issue 29

Week of April 21, 2013

Cadets of the Week

Summer Training Course Offers Due

Any cadet that has received an Offer to attend a Summer Training Course are due Monday April 22.

Any offer received after this date may result in the course being assigned to another cadet.

Cadets receiving new offers on Monday April 22, must return these by Monday April 29.

Mr. Biffin will be at the hall on Wednesday April 24.

To view course selections, go to our website page : https://www.chadburn.org/summer-training/selections


Recognize This Photo

It is from the Battle of Britain Parade in Oshawa but this particular copy was actually copied from a Royal Air Force cadet web site in England. The header you see below is the web site where this the photo is displayed along with several more photos from 151.  This is an impressive site and it has write ups and photos of the many different activities that take place in the cadet program in England.

The photos of our cadets can be found on the site under the heading of Photo Gallery.  If you would like to see what air cadets are doing in south west England then take a minute and click on   http://www.aircadets.info/  We think you will be impressed.

It is probably not well known but for some time we have been forwarding our Dispatch to several different individuals in England as well as contacts in Singapore and various alumni across Canada. One of the contacts in England is Squadron Leader John Nicholson, Director of Media Communications for the Air Cadets in South West England. He recently sent us the following comment, “Just to say ‘hello’ and let you know how much your ‘Dispatch’ is appreciated. I post a Facebook link to them about once a month, aiming to keep Chadburn in front of our Somerset cadets as well as the wider region.” S/L Nicholson has also invited us to submit articles that he could submit  to the editors for inclusion in future editions of their newsletter.

Unfortunately the squadron will be shutting down shortly for the summer months as we get ready for the air cadet summer training program. However as everyone knows W/C Pope  will be coming from England to be our reviewing officer for the squadron’s Annual Inspection on May 14.  This will provide an ideal news item that will certainly be of interest to those who follow the Royal Air Force cadet web site.

Glassy Boot Award

Honourable Members

F/Cpl Barton, F/Sgt. Hembruff, Cpl Milne, WO2 Bauer, F/Sgt. Boyden, F/Sgt. Katzer, Cpl. Hancock, F/Sgt. Chandler WO2  Smith

F/Sgt Bliss, Sgt Mogosh, Cpl Hewett, F/Sgt Shaw, Sgt. Keller, Cpl Zdebiak, F/Cpl J. Ehrt, WO2 Neill, F/Sgt Sheppard, Sgt Sam, F/Cpl Abraham, Cpl C. Swatridge, AC J. Hancock,

F/Cpl D. Lloyd, F/Cpl C.Brandow, Cpl M.Achan, F/Cpl V. Singh, Sgt Nemeth, AC F. Chandler, LAC Anthony, F/Sgt  B.Jackson

The Corp of Cadets Texas A & M University

Marching Band

We are rapidly approaching the end of the cadet training year and with it comes the Band and Drill Competitions and our Squadron’s Annual Inspection. It is the time of the year when the Squadron competes with cadet corps across the Province and we have the opportunity to demonstrate the training and professionalism of 151 Squadron. It is also the time of the year when parents, family members and the public have  an opportunity to witness the pride, proficiency and enthusiasm of the youth who are members of our squadron.

Cadets in the band and drill teams have already been working hard to successfully compete with others in the Province and on the 29 April the complete Squadron we will start practicing for the annual inspection. That means a lot more pressure on dress, appearance and drill that must be above the norm. Getting it right and being sharp is hard work so this week to encourage and hopefully inspire cadets we have included a video of the famous marching band of the Texas A & M University, a unit that has 288 members all of whom are military cadets at the university. Their complicated precision drill routines and their musical ability should serve as an inspiration to all who hear and watch their amazing display.

To view the video go to  http://tamubands.tamu.edu/ and then click on the heading “Texas State Marching Contest Exhibition Performance (2009)”

Fund Raising – Cadet Tagging

One of the biggest and most important activities of the cadet year is the tagging campaign where cadets for four days this week could be found all over the city campaigning to help raise funds for the Squadron’s activities. It is a project that required a maximum effort from not only cadets but staff as well. On occasion it was cold and a bit wet but overall it was a very successful operation.

$1000 Rotary Club Education Scholarship

The Rotary Club of Oshawa is pleased to announce its 5th Annual $1000 Scholarship for Post Secondary Education which is available to cadets from 151 Squadron.

  It will be awarded to the cadet who best demonstrates Rotary’s Four Way test which is:

            Is it the Truth?

            Is it fair to all concerned?

            Will it build goodwill and better friendship?

            Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Any qualifying cadet is encouraged to apply.  A letter from the applicant (approx. 300 words) is to be submitted summarizing their cadet career as it pertains to the Four Way Test, which post secondary institution they have applied to, and outlining their career goals.  Each applicant will have a brief interview with a panel of Rotarians and a staff member.  It is important that the cadets compose their letter around the Four Way Test.  In previous years, some applicants have lost points for not staying with this theme.  During the interview, cadets will be judged on uniform, deportment, general knowledge and squadron activities.

Award of the Scholarship will not receive final approval until confirmation of registration at a university or college has been received.  Such proof is not required upon application.

It is Rotary’s intention to present the award at the Annual Inspection.

New Trophies

For the first time in the squadron’s long history we now have new keeper plaques to present to award winning cadets.

We trust that cadets who earn one of these awards will be justifiably proud to take home one of these unique squadron awards.

Thoughts From The Treadmill

As you are all aware, the Squadron’s spring tag days just wrapped up today.  Over the last week, the weather has been a big concern.  Generally bad or cold weather means lower fund raising totals.  I am very pleased to announce that our totals for this year have far exceeded my expectations.  I would like to thank everyone that took time out of their busy schedules to assist in this very important activity.  It is very impressive to see the number of staff and parents of former cadets who come out to help.  I appreciate the offers of assistance from current parents, however this is one case where too many people isn’t a good thing so we try to keep it to staff and former volunteers.  

I would like to give special thanks to Mrs. Leslie Hurley who started organizing the tagging locations shortly after the fall tag days.  Her efforts secured all of the locations we had cadets at.  Mrs. Tania Lysyk and Mr. Jason Lloyd coordinated the cadets and drivers, organizing and filling all of the locations.  For those that have ever heard the term herding cats, that is what it reminds me of.  This turns into a full time job in the weeks leading up to this event (unfortunately without the pay that normally comes with a full time job).  A show of great teamwork by all involved. 

These weekends generally turn into big hall maintenance times and this weekend was no different.  The smell of paint and plaster greet the visitor to the basement, and as someone who has been coming to this hall for close to 35 years, I can honestly say the classroom has never looked this good.  Our plumbing got a bit of an overhaul and the ladies should be happy that we actually have three operating toilets in their washroom, we also have a brighter office and some photo boards that show some more of the Squadron’s activities.  Thanks to all involved in these jobs.

Summer training offers of participation are coming in on a daily basis, Mr. Biffin is the main point of contact for summer camps.  If you have received an offer, congratulations, please make sure you get the offer back to Mr. Biffin on Monday.  We cannot afford to sit on these offers as the Squadron’s reputation and the chance of getting more offers may depend on the rapid return of answers.  

An information letter will be going home on Monday night regarding the year end trip to Gettysburg.  This letter will explain important information regarding the trip and what is required from the cadets.  Please pay close attention to the dates and particulars in this letter.  The two main dates for the parents to remember are April 29th and May 6th, these are the sign up and payment days.    The total for the trip after the tag day weekend will be available on Monday night April 22nd from Mrs. Di Loreto. 

Stay safe an have a great week.    

Major Bliss

Aviation Photo Of the Week

In a recent edition of the Dispatch we included a description and photos of a rebuilt DeHaviland Mosquito bomber that had its origins here in Canada and now it is flying once again in New Zealand. This aircraft the only flying Mosquito anywhere in the world is now being dismantled and packed so that it can be shipped to its owner in the United States. In the photos this week you can see not only the aircraft as it is disassembled but there are some impressive photos of the Mossie as she flies for the last time over New Zealand.

The new home for this famous A/C will be The Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, VA. The good news is that the aircraft will later this summer be flying at the Hamilton International Air Show.

The Mosquito was known as the wooden wonder and readers if wish they can see how it was built by viewing the first video. The second video offers a more complete history of  the wartime development and accomplishments of this remarkable aircraft.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwK8_6rVlws http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvEa_UtJl_c

Mosquito KA114 near Waiheke Island in Auckland, New Zealand

Mosquito KA114 as it is being dismantled for shipping to Virginia Beach, VA

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151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Proudly Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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