151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch, Issue #29, Week of April 6,2014

Proudly Sponsored for over 70 years by:

The Rotary Club of Oshawa

Issue # 29

Week of April 6, 2014


Cadet of the Week

Attention Model Builders!!

Remember to bring in your completed models for the model contest. 

Cadet Tag Days

Do not forget to sign up for tagging.  Remember, every cadet must tag at least two shifts.

Tagging days are Thursday April 24- Sunday April 27th.


Durham Region Police Tactical Team

Squadron cadets had a firsthand look at local Tactical team operations this past Monday when two team members of the unit showed up with their gear to describe the team’s operations.  The cadets not only had a chance to see and hear about the team’s duties but they also had a chance to  pick up and handle some of the units gear and equipment.

It was a unique chance to hear about a police unit which has an important but sometimes unknown roll in our community.



Royal Order of the Glassy Boot

Honourable Members

WO1 B. Jackson, WO2 A.Hembruff, WO2 A.Boyden, WO2 R. Bliss, WO2 C. Tan, F/Sgt D. Lloyd,  F/Sgt C.Travis, F/Sgt J.Shaw, F/Sgt K.Katzer,

F/Sgt S.Sheppard, F/Sgt A.Ford Williams, , F/Sgt V.Singh, F/Sgt. E. Dellipizzi, F/Sgt. B. Medina

Sgt. S. Lysyk, Sgt. N. Nemeth, Sgt. R. DeMille, Sgt. M. Obrien, Sgt. B. McMurtry, Sgt R.Barton, Sgt. J.Ehrt ,Sgt. O.Sam, Sgt C.Brandow, F/Cpl. M. Annis, F/Cpl T. Milne, F/Cpl J.Hancock,  F/Cpl C.Abraham, F/Cpl B. Hewett , Cpl. R.Sealey, Cpl J.Hancock, Cpl F.Chandler


Thoughts from the Treadmill

Tactical Teams, Drill Teams, Bands, Marksmanship Teams, Elections, Nice Weather, Cousins, Year-End  Trips and Summer Training.  Whew, lots of thoughts this week.  Here we go…

I would like to thank the two members of the Durham Regional Police Services Tactical Team for coming out and doing a great presentation for the cadets last Monday.  The care and patience they showed in not only setting up their display, but also the time they took with the cadets was great to see.  I am sure more than one cadet has moved “being a police officer” up on their possible careers list.

The Band and Drill Team both travelled to Kingston yesterday to compete in the annual Band and Drill Competition, although we have not been informed of the competition results, both teams are feeling very positive regarding their performances.  We will hopefully hear this week and share the news with you as soon as possible.

The Marksmanship team will be travelling to Trenton next weekend to compete in the Provincial Marksmanship Competition.  Please join me in wishing them luck.

Elections may seem like a funny thought, but I can’t help but marvel at the news out of Afghanistan.  It is amazing to see and hear the reaction of so many people (and from my eyes, especially the younger ones) at the opportunity to participate in the selection of their leaders.  Something that so many Canadians take for granted to the point of ignoring their responsibilities when it comes to voting is cherished by those who have never been safe to practice their right to vote.

Although I have a pile of snow in my front yard that never sees direct sunlight, I think we are pretty safe to say that spring is finally here.  Along with this comes the additional challenge faced with rain and mud, but we sure don’t have to shovel it.

Jumping back to Monday, it was interesting to talk to one of the Tactical Team officers who is actually a cousin of a former cadet who was one of the SWOs when I was a cadet.  It is neat to hear where people have gone in their careers.  Hopefully we will be seeing some more of our Alumni in the future.

For those who signed up for the Year End Trip, please remember that starting Monday April 28th, you will be asked to pay for the trip.  The amount is $200 minus any credit received for fund raising.  Once again, if there are issues you feel I need to know about regarding finances, please let me know and we can sit down and have a chat.

Summer Training results are coming in, and a lot of cadets have already received their offers, please remember that if you have received an offer, Mr. Biffin needs an answer back ASAP.  If you have accepted a camp, you are expected to attend.  If something comes up that means you are unable to attend, please let Mr. Biffin know as soon as possible so that we might be able to offer the spot.

I would like to thank the members of Branch 637 of the Royal Canadian Legion for their very generous donation to the Squadron.  Although I feel it is the duty of the Squadron to help the Legion out whenever we can, they in turn show their appreciation for  all the work our cadets do during the annual Poppy Campaign. 

That’s all for now.

Stay Safe and Have a Great Week.

Major Bliss


Aviation Video Of the Week

Experience the unique and emotional sound of 9 Rolls Royce Merlin Engines all airborne together at the Hamilton Air Show.

Watch the flypast of the Canadian Warplane Heritage’s Lancaster, a Spitfire, a Hurricane  and the famous DeHaviland Mosquito. Now the only one flying anywhere in the world.



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151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Proudly Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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