151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch, Issue #32, Week of May 6, 2014

Proudly Sponsored for over 70 years by:

The Rotary Club of Oshawa

Issue # 32

Week of May 6, 2014

Unfortunately we were forced to miss last week’s edition of our newsletter due to a complicated computer problem.

However there were  a number of interesting cadet activities in that email so we have included them in this week’s issue.



Please note that the final sign-up and payment session for the year-end trip will be Monday May 5th 2014.  This will take place at Rotary Hall from 1900-2100.  Payment totals will be available at the hall and payment can be made by cheque or cash. Please make sure you have the cadet’s birth certificate (or citizenship and passport if born outside of Canada) as well as a list of any prescription medication and an emergency point of contact for the time we are away.  Squadron T-Shirts will be available for $15.00 and are mandatory for the trip. 


Gliding CFB Mountain view

Two weeks ago 25 cadets from the Squadron travelled to Mountainview for some great flying in one of the Air Cadet League’s gliders.



Easter Egg Hunt Oshawa Airport

19 cadets and staff from 151 assisted the Airport Lions Club with their annual Easter Egg hunt at the airport. There were approximately 1800 visitors and all told the cadets distributed over 7000 eggs. As one can see from the photos it was a fun and rewarding event not only for the cadets but the crowds of little ones who lined the field.



Tree Top Treking at the Ganaraska Forest Centre

During our recent training weekend at the forest centre our cadets also had a chance to test their nerve and skills by completing a trip through the tree tops. It all starts off with a briefing and training session and then it’s off up into the trees. 




Royal Order of the Glassy Boot

Honourable Members

WO1 B. Jackson, WO2 A.Hembruff, WO2 A.Boyden, WO2 R. Bliss, WO2 C. Tan, F/Sgt D. Lloyd,  F/Sgt C.Travis, F/Sgt J.Shaw, F/Sgt K.Katzer,

F/Sgt S.Sheppard, F/Sgt A.Ford Williams, , F/Sgt V.Singh, F/Sgt. E. Dellipizzi, F/Sgt. B. Medina

Sgt. S. Lysyk, Sgt. N. Nemeth, Sgt. R. DeMille, Sgt. M. Obrien, Sgt. B. McMurtry, Sgt R.Barton, Sgt. J.Ehrt ,Sgt. O.Sam, Sgt C.Brandow, F/Cpl. M. Annis, F/Cpl T. Milne, F/Cpl J.Hancock,  F/Cpl C.Abraham, F/Cpl B. Hewett , Cpl. R.Sealey, Cpl J.Hancock, Cpl F.Chandler


Thoughts from the Treadmill

These thoughts will be a bit different as I am adding on to what I had originally written last week.  Some of the days may seem a little bit messed up, but please read right through to the end as there are some important things in here. 

As you are all aware, we held our annual spring tag days this weekend.  I would like to congratulate all of the cadets who braved the cold and wet weather we had over the weekend.  Although I realize it was very uncomfortable at times, the results were fantastic.  I hope the discount you receive for your year-end trip will make it a good experience for you. 

I would like to thank all of my staff who spent so much time over the weekend driving, counting and cleaning up after the tagging was done; without their effort, this weekend would not be as successful.  A special thanks to Mrs. Leslie Hurley who has worked so hard in the months leading up to the weekend organizing the different tagging locations, not an easy task these days, but we had lots of places to tag.  I would like to thank the team of Mrs. Tania Lysyk and Mr. Jason Lloyd for their countless hours of work organizing the cadets into their locations and making sure the drivers all their routes.  Although it takes the entire staff to make the weekend successful, it does take a few individuals attention and leadership to keep it all on the tracks.

As has become somewhat of a tradition during tag day weekends, a lot of work was done around the hall this weekend, lots of cleaning, organizing, patching walls and painting and an awesome job of plumbing that fixed a problem that has bothered us for years were all things that got accomplished.  The year-end trip is more organized now and believe it or not, next year’s training program planning was started.

I would like to address an issue that came up over the weekend and is kind of touchy for some people.  I realize that a lot of parents want to get involved in the activities that their children are involved in, and in many cases this is very possible.  Due to some new guidelines on some old rules by the military, it is not permissible for us to have civilians who have not been cleared through the Air Cadet League to assist in activities like tag days.  I certainly appreciate all offers of help from all interested parties, however I trust you will understand that these regulations are in place to protect the cadets and the Squadron property.

We want to remind all cadets that we will be practicing at Children’s Arena for the next two Monday nights.  It is very important that you attend these practices as they are what make putting on a good show at the annual possible. 

May 4th 2014

I was very happy to see the competence shown by so many cadets last week during the practice for the annual.  It seems the practicing throughout the year on Monday nights has paid off.  I am very excited to see the cadets on parade at the annual inspection on May 13.  Please pay attention at practice and realize that we are putting on a show so your parents and relatives can see you at your best.  The actual time we will be on parade at the annual is only through the practice, you should have no problem for the real thing. 

Please remember that eating a good meal before cadets and staying hydrated is extremely important.  If you don’t eat, you won’t have the stamina to stay on parade. 

Sign up and payment for the year-end trip will happen again on Monday night May 5th at Rotary Hall.  This will take place from 1900 until 2100.  Please make sure you have payment and your child’s birth certificate with you.  If your cadet was born outside of Canada, please have proof of citizenship and their passport.  If you have any specific questions regarding the sign up, please address them to Mrs. Di Loreto at heather.diloreto@gmail.com

That’s all for now

Stay Safe and Have a Great Week

Major Bliss

Aviation Photo of the Week

The AirBus 380



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151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Proudly Sponsored by the Rotary

Club of Oshawa

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