151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch, Issue #6, Week of 14 Oct. 2012



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The Rotary Club of Oshawa


Issue # 6

Week of Oct. 14, 2012


Ganaraska Forest Centre

Parents Meeting


Wednesday October 17th – Ganaraska Parents’ Meeting at the Hall from 7:30 – 8:30 pm.

At least one parent of each cadet attending Ganaraska should attend, especially if this will be the cadet’s first time out to the forest with us. Questions will be answered at that time, the kit list will be reviewed and parents will be able to sign waivers that allow their cadet to participate in Treetop Trekking. Just a reminder parents are asked to please not park in the driveway at the Hall.


Ganaraska Forest Field Training Exercise – Saturday October 20-Sunday October 21.

If your cadet has put their name on the signup sheet, they have a spot in this activity. We still have space available, and any cadet wishing to sign up should see Warrant Officer Smith on Monday night. If your cadet has committed to bringing a tent, they must bring it.


Cadets should meet at the Hall at 0630 sharp on Saturday, October 20. Cadets should have packed everything included on the Kit list that will be handed out on Monday. (Remember to pack for the cold and the rain!!!) When the cadets arrive at the Hall, they should have their Health Card on their person,  an Emergency Contact name and number written on a sheet of paper on their person and should either be wearing boots or be carrying them in an easily accessible bag. Cadets who do not have these things will not be allowed to attend the weekend. Return to the Hall on Sunday, October 21 is scheduled for 1500.



This year our cadets will have the chance to participate in Treetop Trekking run by the Ganaraska Forest staff. This activity will be at no additional cost to the cadet. However, we require a parent/guardian of each cadet to sign a waiver (available from Lt. Mastroianni on Monday and at the Ganaraska meeting on Wednesday) in order for the cadets to be allowed to participate.  Check it out!

.    http://treetoptrekking.com/ganaraska-features-courses.html


Halloween Dance


Friday October 26th – Halloween Dance at the 420 Wing from 7:00pm – 11:59pm. Come dressed in your best Halloween Costume! Prizes for best costumes will be awarded! The cost will be 2$ per cadet and 3$ per guest. Cadets are welcome to bring one guest, and should come prepared for a great night of dancing, games and fun! Cadets should also remember that dances are still a squadron activity, therefore they must wear cadet-appropriate clothing (i.e. no short shorts/skirts, no t-shirts with offensive language, no low necklines). If a cadet’s attire (even if it is a costume) is unacceptable, they will be asked to go home and change.

Royal Order of the Glassy Boot

Honourable Members


F/Cpl Barton, Sgt. Hembruff, Cpl Milne, F/S Bauer, Sgt. Boyden, Sgt. Katzer, Cpl. Hancock, Sgt. Chandler Wo2  Smith

Sgt Bliss, Sgt Mogosh


More Memories from England






If you have not already found our Facebook page then go to Chadburn UK to see more photos and comments from cadets and parents. Here are several comments from the Facebook site.

To our good friends in England,


I want to thank you all one last time for a fantastic exchange in your beautiful country. You have a sense of pride in all that is English and our folks would do well to take a lesson from you. You went well out of your way to provide us with the very best in a short amount of time. I have no idea how we can reciprocate with the history and wonder that we witnessed. I know the cadets had a great time and I’m sure that only when time moves on will they realize and truly appreciate what they were a part of. Thanks for giving up your holidays and dedicating two weeks plus months of prep time to friends from a different land.

Thanks again,

Capt. Bert Weigel


I am glad you all arrived home safely. We are lucky to have such good friends across the pond. 151 cadets are a real credit to you all, we have thoroughly enjoyed your company. I have heard so many times on this trip how “polite” all the cadets were. Brian (coach driver) appreciated your gift to him.  A big thanks to the escort staff from the UK and Canada, without your time and dedication none of this would have happened. Who would have thought that we would be on our 4th exchange when all this 1st happened.


S/L John Heath Sector Commander Devon and Somerset Wing

I’d just like to say what a great bunch of kids they all were. It has been a joy to be in their company, and you should all be justifiably proud of them. I would just like to say a huge thank you to all the Brits that worked and supported the RCAC visit. Your contribution, no matter it’s size all helped give our new friends a wonderful time. A very Special thanks must go to Sqn Ldr Heath, Flt Lt Blackburn and FS Blackburn. Your drive professionalism and enthusiasm gave these special cadets an unforgettable experience. To Major Bliss and his team I also say a huge thank you to as you represented your Sqn and Country to the highest level. Your patience, enthusiasm and appreciation of the things we took part in made our role much easier than it could have been. You are all real stars. I hope to maybe visit Canada next year so brace yourselves as I may just appear on a parade Square near you. (fingers crossed)

Warrant Officer Gaz Tonks

It is us RCAC parents who give you all our greatest and sincerest thanks for giving our cadets the trip of a life time! I know my son has seen and experienced things he never would have had he not been blessed to go on this trip. Sincerest thanks to their hosts, many of whom I am sure gave of their vacation time to show our cadets this fabulous time, filled with memories to last a lifetime, and the friendships the cadets have formed with you all.

Ms. Schuldis Cadet Parent


After a week off from Monday night training, it is time to get right back into the swing of things and gear up for an exciting weekend coming up.


There haven’t been too many steps taken on the treadmill this last week for me, but there have been a lot of opportunities to meet many different people from many different walks of life.  Time spent sitting and chatting in our community invariably brings up the subject of cadets for me.  I find two things amazing with these conversations; the first is exactly how many people have no idea what the cadet program is all about and from their comments wish they knew about the opportunities at a much younger age).  The second thing is with those who do know about the program and know people who have gone through the Squadron.  With the current recruit course factored in, 151 Chadburn Squadron has accepted more than 4300 cadets into its ranks in the 70 years we have existed.  People from all over the region and province know names of people who have called Chadburn home.  It is very rewarding as the CO to realize just how much of an impact we have on our community.

Looking through some of the pictures on the walls at the hall it is also very rewarding to see how many former members have gone on to serve their country by joining the military, police, and fire services.  We are going to be starting a display board at the hall with pictures of former cadets who have gone on to serve in the military.  If you know of any former members who are serving, please have them contact the squadron.  We would like to get a picture of them in their military uniform.

Starting tomorrow night each flight will be issued their guidon.  We do not have the streamers ready yet, but the marking is happening already.  Remember that everything you do as a member of the Squadron can be further broken down into Flight and Team participation.  Each cadet in the flight will make a difference in how the flight competes.  If you don’t think your flight is doing enough to win, it is up to you to change that.  I look forward to seeing how each Flight Sergeant and their cadets face the challenge.


The last little note I have for this week is one that has bothered me for some time.  I try to get out and watch the different special activities in the Squadron as much as possible (Band, Sports, Shooting (and Drill team when it starts up).  I am extremely proud of each and every member that comes out to these activities and tries.  It is no secret that our selection process for many different things is based on achievement points.  It appears to me that some cadets are happy to just show up and never try to improve or even actively participate.


Effective immediately, the Officer in Charge of any activity will be instructed to cut out the “dead wood” from these events.  If an individual is creating a disturbance or distraction to cadets who are actually participating and trying, that individual will be asked to call their parents to come and pick them up.


I will not have my officers and staff waste their time trying to help a cadet who does not put forth any effort in the extra activities.  Every cadet activity has the potential of being fun, those that ruin that for others will not participate.  Any parent that has an issue with their son or daughter being sent home can arrange to speak to me.

If you know any anti-rain dances, please feel free to put them into action for next weekend, we have a great program lined up and it would be a shame to have it washed out.

Have a Safe and Rewarding Week,

Maj. Bliss

Aviation Photo of the Week

The DeHaviland Mosquito

On September 29th of this year the one and only operational Mosquito in the world took to the air for the first time at Admore Airfield in Auckland New Zealand.  The aircraft was restored by Avspecs Ltd. an aviation company specializing in aircraft restoration projects. In fact it is the first of three aircraft to be restored.  If you would like to see some of their projects including the Mosquito go to     


The owner of the plane, US war bird collector Jerry Yagen has his own warbirds museum at a private civilian airfield located in Pungo, Virginia, approximately 4 miles South-East of Virginia Beach, USA. It is the home of the Military Aviation Museum and he uses it to maintain, display, and fly vintage and replica warbirds; the aircraft are primarily from the World War 11 era. To learn more about this unique private collection go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Aviation_Museum

The Mosquito has the Royal Air Force serial number KA114 and was built in Toronto in 1945. It was put into storage without seeing combat at the end of the war and lay rotting on a farm until 1978 when the Canadian Museum of Flight and Transportation acquired the decaying airframe.

To see this beautiful aircraft fly once again go to  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNzDg_6uLZQ&feature=related

Most pilots will tell you that the most emotional sound in aviation is the characteristic roar of a Rolls Royce Merlin. The only sound that surpasses that experience is the sound of two Merlins.

If you have comments or suggestions on ways to improve our newsletter, our website or if you wish to unsubscribe from this email please notify rgilbank@rogers.com

151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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