151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch, Issue # 6, Week of Oct 25, 2015


Proudly Sponsored for over 70 years by:

The Rotary Club of Oshawa


Issue # 6

Week of Oct 25, 2015

Summer Camp Applications

Do Not Forget to Bring in Your Summer Camp Application!!

Poppy Sales

On the weekend of October 31- November 1 and the weekend of November 7-8, 151 Squadron will be assisting both Oshawa branches of the Royal Canadian Legion with their annual Poppy Campaign.  This is the main fund raiser for the Legion and provides much needed money for their many veteran’s programs.  We will be doing the initial registration on Sign-up Genius. Please visit the following link and sign up for the shifts you are able to work.  Please remember that you will receive achievement points as well as your community service credit for school. 



A Look Back at One Individual who Helped Shape Our Squadron’s History

F/O Jack Houston

The presentation of the 12 year Canadian Forces Service Medal to F/O Jack Houston for

his service to our squadron and the Canadian Forces.

At a recent staff meeting Maj. Bliss pointed out the number of positive comments he had received regarding our cadets dress and deportment while at summer camp.  Our squadron has always expected a high standard in this area but few today realize that this is not an accident but rather it is part of the squadron’s DNA. In the 1960’s the squadron’s staff were young, inexperienced and lacking in basic military knowledge. There was however a burning desire to achieve but the experience on how to do things in a military manner was just not there.

The cadet warrant officer at that time was WO John Houston. His father was Jack Houston a 13 year veteran of the 2nd Battalion, The Scots Guards in England. Jack joined the army before the war and did his turn in performing guard duties at the Tower of London and other  buildings in London before the war. Jack impressed us all with stories of the spit and polish that was required to perform these duties. His stories about the level dress and deportment that was expected of guardsmen became the motivation and inspiration for those of us who were leading our squadron.

At the start of the war the Scots Guards were driven out of Norway by the Germans and later Jack and his regiment were transferred to North Africa. Following the battle for North Africa Jack went on to Sicily, Italy, France and finally Germany. He survived the war and this was probably due to the fact that he was not a front line soldier but rather a quartermaster. He ended his career as an RSM in the British Army and sometime after the war he emigrated to Canada. Jack or Housty as he was affectionally called by all of us was our most vocal critic but also our inspiration and a fund of military experience and knowledge that helped to make our squadron and our cadets a sharp and a more professional military organization. His knowledge, military experience and his pride in his regiment became an inspiration to all of us.

We lost Housty many years ago but although he is gone the pride in ones dress and appearance that the guards and Jack inspired in all of us still exists in 151. Today we have the Glassy Boot Award which is our way of carrying on the tradition of dress and deportment inspired by Jack and the 2nd Battalion of the Scots Guards. 

We have included several links to videos showing the trooping of now the First Battalion of the Scots Guards as they trooped their colours before the Queen at the Horse Guards Parade Square in downtown London.  We hope that cadets will take the time to watch some if not all of the parade. Unfortunately young cadets will find it a challenge to achieve the level of professionalism displayed in the parade but we hope that cadets who view the parade will see it as an inspiration and a way for our squadron to improve its own performance.





Royal Order of the Glassy Boot

LAC E. Boyden

FSgt R. Barton

WO2 B. Medina

WO2 A. Lloyd

F/Sgt M. Singh

F/Sgt Carson

WO2 E. Dellipizzi


Wednesday Evening Boot Shinning 

Each Wednesday there is an opportunity for cadets to come down to the hall and learn how to get that elusive glass toe on their boots.

Here you can see the group of cadets who showed up at the hall this past Wednesday.


Squadron Drill Team 

Over the past several years, our squadron has produced many of the top cadet rifle drill teams in the province and we are now  starting to train for this year’s

rifle drill team.  If there cadets who are interested in being a part of this year’s team make sure you get down to the hall next Wednesday evening.


Future Cadet Activities










Halloween Dance

420 Wing RCAFA

1800 hrs




Poppy Sales






Poppy sales






Poppy Sales






Tri Service Dance

Livi Hall

1800 hrs




Outdoor Training

Ganaraska Forest





Outdoor Training

Ganaraska Forest



Thoughts From the Treadmill

I am rather disappointed with the poor numbers so far that have signed up for Poppy Sales next weekend and the weekend after.  I would hope that both cadets and their parents would share the feelings I have with regards to supporting our Legions.  With so much talk of the upcoming major anniversaries of some of the pivotal battles of World War 2, I think it would be great to show the few surviving veterans of those battles our support.  We wear the poppy with pride and I hope that you all will take the time to sign up and show up for your assigned shifts to help with this very important cause. 

After only a few weeks of training at Central Collegiate, we have already received two complaints from teachers whose classrooms we use.  Some of the issues are going to be addressed by the senior NCOs and supervisory staff in the classrooms, these are about the positioning of tables and desks and the general cleanliness of the classroom areas when we are finished for the night. The other I will address here.  I am hoping that a mistake was made and that a lost item was misplaced and has since been found.  I would like to remind everyone of your Cadet Code of Conduct and the expectations that are placed on your behavior.  Anyone who is found to have taken property that does not belong to them will not only b expected to return the property, but you will at the very least be suspended from training and potentially banned from cadets.  Ask yourself if that item that costs a few dollars is worth risking your cadet career and your reputation for.  If it does not belong to you, leave it alone.  If anyone has found an item that may have been taken home in error, please return it to the school on Monday night. 

The reports I am getting from Captain and Mrs. Chandler regarding the sale and return of Lottery Tickets is very good.  We have some cadets that have already sold and returned nine books of tickets.  Please get your sold tickets returned as soon as possible.  It would be great to get them all turned in to the Air Cadet League before the end of November. 

I was able to catch a bit of the first Drill Team practice of the year last week.  Looking at the three staff members who are instructing the team, I saw three different Squadron Warrant Officers a few generations removed from each other, but all with a certain drive to produce a team that I am very excited to see down the road.  If you are interested in getting involved in what is sure to be a top notch team, come out on Wednesday night at the hall from 1900-2130, I can guarantee you a lot of hard work and the opportunity to compete for a position on the team.  There are no free rides for this team and a brand new cadet who gives 100% stands the same chance as any other cadet out there.  For those that have seen our annual inspection, you will have seen the product of drill team training in not only the drill team, but also the Escort Flight and the Flag Party. 

Please remember the Halloween Dance on Friday night at the 420 Wing, it should be a great time.

That’s all for now

Stay Safe and Have a Great Week

Major Bliss

Aviation Video of the Week

The Cameron Airshow 2014 Kansas City

If you can handle some amazing and scary flying acts have look at some of the flying that was on display at the Cameron Air Show.


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151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Proudly Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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