151 Chadburn Squadron

Season’s Greetings from 151 Chadburn Squadron

Dear Friends & Supporters of 151 Chadburn Squadron:

The holiday season is upon us and with that comes a great sense of appreciation for your patience, dedication, and hard work over the past year. I want to thank all of you for your continued efforts that keep Chadburn Squadron ranked as one of the most elite Air Cadet squadron’s in Ontario.

This year has posed many challenges that we’ve never had to face before, but in true Chadburn style, we’ve adapted and we’ve overcome.

The sound of glass-shone boots hitting the parade square have been replaced with the sound of fingers tapping the keyboard as cadets log into virtual training sessions. But what remains is the dedication of the staff and cadets of 151, the high standards we demand, and the high-calibre training we strive to provide.

Take a look below to see how you can support the squadron during the pandemic and what training in a COVID-19 environment continues to look like for our cadets.

Again, thank you. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished in 2020 and I hope you are too.

Take care, stay safe, and have a happy holiday season.

Major Ron Brosseau
Commanding Officer

We need your help – please donate today.

This year, the Squadron’s fundraising initiatives have been canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions. We rely on the generosity of our donors, local residents, and businesses to help fund the programs our cadets rely on. When you make a donation, you’re directly supporting our cadets and helping create leaders for tomorrow. Visit www.chadburn.org/donate to learn more and make a difference to our cadets today. We’re a registered charitable organization and will provide a tax receipt.

Donate Now

Activity Updates

Virtual Training – Monday Nights

Our regular weekly training nights have continued virtually via Google Meet on Monday evenings. Returning cadets and new recruits have been brought into the virtual training lessons, tutorials, and activities, as they would have been if we were able to parade in person.

Until COVID-19 in Durham Region greatly improves, we’ll continue to deliver our mandatory training virtually, striving to incorporate new, innovative and engaging methods as we go.

Virtual Band – Music Theory

Although our band has not been able to parade this year, we have kept the Squadron’s music program alive through virtual training. Cadets who chose to participate are working towards their Cadet Music Levels. Achieving a music level will give cadets yet another proficiency badge to proudly display on their uniforms when we can return to in-person training.

Virtual Ground School – Preparation for Flying Scholarships

In preparation for the Power Pilot Scholarship and the Glider Pilot Scholarship courses we hope will run during the summer of 2021, a group of cadets has been participating in a virtual Ground School course, which has taken place once (and sometimes twice) a week since September. Best of luck to our scholarship applicants this year!

Cadet Engagement & Online Fun

This year has meant that Staff and Senior NCO’s have had to come up with different, innovative ways of engaging with the cadets in a virtual environment. In this, social media has been our friend and has allowed us to run a series of fun challenges and produce some excellent videos to keep cadets (and parents) engaged on Facebook and Instagram.

Some of our favorites have been a virtual uniform prep night, video encouragement messages from esteemed Squadron alumni, instructional videos on general cadet knowledge, a cadet baking challenge, a cadet craft challenge, and our Halloween costume contest.

Upcoming Activities

2021 will see the squadron no less busy, with plans to carry out the Cadet Fitness Assessment virtually during the training year, along with the launch of the Cadet Activity Program (CAP) during March Break, and the Cadet Correspondent Workshop.

All levels of the Canadian Cadet Organization have been working hard to find ways to organize and carry out activities in this challenging environment.


Know someone who wants to join air cadets?  Luckily, recruitment is ongoing!

Fill out the contact form on our website to pre-enroll for our next Virtual Recruit Course. https://www.chadburn.org/how-to-join/becomeacadet/

Tentative Virtual Recruit Course Date – January 5, 2021.

Follow Us! We’re social.

Connect with us for the most up-to-date information on Squadron activities.

Copyright © 2020 151 Chadburn Squadron, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Phone: (905) 576-1511
E-mail: 151rcacs@gmail.com

Our mailing address is:
1288 Ritson Road North
Suite 420
Oshawa, Ontario
L1G 8B2

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