151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch, Issue # 1, Week of Sept. 18, 2016


Proudly Sponsored for over 70 years by:

The Rotary Club of Oshawa

Issue 1

Week of Sept. 18, 2016

This week’s edition of our weekly newsletter marks the beginning of our 16th year that we have published the Dispatch. Our goal has been to illustrate on a weekly basis the many opportunities and the great variety of activities that are available to our cadets through the air cadet program. If readers have photos or comments that they feel might be of interest to others please feel free to send them to rgilbank@rogers.com as we are always looking for items for our web site or comments that could be included in the Dispatch.

Remember that our squadron has a very active Facebook page which has numerous photos of the Squadron’s recent successes and activities of our cadets during the summer months.

Our goal in the coming months is to include more photos of the Squadron and its many activities on our Squadron’s Facebook site.

Our Facebook page Address:    151 Chadburn Squadron – Royal Canadian Air Cadets

Our 75th Anniversary Pin

This year our Squadron will be celebrating its 75th anniversary and it will be an emotional year for all who have been a part of this Squadron’s long history. The image above is actually a pin which cadets will wear on their uniform. It was designed by Officer Cadet Di Loreto and it will be issued to all cadets once the pins arrive. The design not only reminds every one of the anniversary but it also it also honours the memory of W/C Lloyd Vernon Chadburn our namesake whose name appears on every cadet’s shoulder flash.

Parent Cadet Information Night For New Recruits

Tomorrow Evening – Rotary Hall – 7.30 PM

The start of our first new recruit course will be held on Monday September 19, 7:30 – 9:00 PM, Rotary Hall 254 Centre Street South, Oshawa. We ask attendees to park across the road at Village Union PS, access from Gibb Street. All guests are asked to be seated by 7:15 PM. We will begin with a presentation about the air cadet program followed by the application process. The application package can be found at the following link, we strongly recommend that parents complete this package prior. 

If you are a sibling or relative of a current or past cadet and are sure that you are joining, please enter the hall through the basement door at the bottom of the driveway.  Registration and uniform sizing will take place in the basement.  We anticipate a large number of new recruits and would like to keep as much room available on the parade square as possible for those that need the briefing. 


New Recruits MUST BE 12 years of age at the time of joining.

If readers know of youth who are interested in becoming an air cadet in our squadron

please let them know about our Parent/Cadet information Night. 

The briefing will last about 1 hour with time for questions at the end.

Please remember new recruits must provide one of the following forms of Identification:

Canadian Birth Certificate or

Canadian Passport or

Canadian Citizenship Card or

Canadian Landed Card

Please also bring your Ontario Health Card.

We quite often hear that parents and young people have never heard of the Canadian cadet program and the amazing opportunities that are available to youth in this organization.  Remember alumni, current cadets and staff are the people who know about this program and its many activities. Make sure you take a moment to let people know about the Squadron and how youth can join the air cadets.

Cadet of the Week

As this is the first week back after the long summer break there will be no cadet of the week in this issue or next week. However as soon as our regular training parades are well under way the NCOs’ will be back once again looking for outstanding cadets to feature in the Dispatch. If you would like to see your photo in our newsletter,  it’s easy, just be the sharpest cadet on a Monday evening training parade and your photo will appear. Remember our newsletter goes across Canada as well as to England, USA and Singapore. Want to be famous, just look sharp and it will happen.

Royal Order of the Glassy Boot

Our membership list for our Squadron’s most noble order of achievement and recognition is currently blank. The reason is quite simple. Cadets who may have received this award last year must now in accordance good Air Force tradition re qualify, if they wish to have their names published in our newsletter.

We are looking for hard working, sharp cadets who indeed meet the standards of the Royal Order of the Glassy Boot. So there be no doubt the standard for acceptance has not been revised, simply stated, if it’s not glass all around you need not apply for only the best are allowed membership in this exclusive Society.

The challenge is there, if you wish to see your name in our newsletter start working on your boots today.



The Squadron’s Summer Activities

As we do not publish regular issues of the Dispatch during the summer months few parents, friends and in some cases cadets have little or no information

regarding the Squadron’s rather extensive summer training program. Not only are there numerous special training courses at CFB Mountainview,

CFB Borden, Connaught Range and local flying schools but there is also the international exchange program and

this year the Rotary Club’s Ribfest was held for the first time in the middle of the summer.

Many of our readers who follow our squadron’s activities have never had the opportunity to visit a cadet summer camp

so we have included the following video that was made during the summer camp at CFB Trenton.

Click on the following link to see the great variety of activities that our cadets participate in.


The Cadet Graduation Parade CFB Trenton

The Cadet Graduation Parade CFB Borden

Click on the following videos to see some of the cadet activities at CFB Borden.


Here are some of our cadets at this year’s Rotary Club’s Ribfest and one of our cadets who went to Europe through the International cadet exchange program.

There is also a photo of one of our first year cadets who became the top shot at the Trenton Summer Camp.

Warrant Officer Lloyd was awarded the “The Order of St. George” Medal at the camp that was held at the Connaught Range near Ottawa.

The medal was presented to him by The Vice Chief of Defence of Staff in recognition of him being named the top Staff Cadet at the summer training centre. 

Another special photo from the summer is this photo from the Trenton Air Show. 

Our cadets were photographed with one of our squadrons former warrant officers now Capt. David Brosseau an F-18 pilot

who participated in the air show.

Welcome Back From The CO

I would have liked to welcome you all back before you were actually back, but the last few weeks of the summer break found us extremely busy and scrambling every free minute we had.  So here it is, almost our third night back and I’m getting around to it now.  It has already been a very busy cadet year and we are barely off the ground.  We have had our first gliding day at Mountainview and although the weather didn’t look very nice for the whole day, 22 of our cadets did manage to get a familiarization flight in a glider.  Unfortunately when the weather moved in the flying was stopped and seven cadets were left disappointed.  This is the nature of the beast when dealing with gliders and light aircraft.  Hopefully the sun will be shining our next time out. 

The band has been working very hard the last couple of weeks to get in shape for the Battle of Britain parade, not being a musician myself, it amazes me how quickly they get sounding great after the long summer break.  Great Job band!

As all the cadets have been told, we will be parading at Village Union Public School on Mondays from here on out.  There was a mix up at the School Board last week and the necessary paperwork wasn’t on hand for the custodial staff to let us into the school.  We have been assured that this will not happen again.  I’d like to thank Captain Weigel for all of his hard work with the school board since we got word that Central Collegiate was closing.  His many meetings with the principal of the school and the administrative people at the board have resulted in the fact that we now have a new home for our Monday night training. 

I would like to thank all of the cadets and staff that submitted ideas for the Squadron’s 75th anniversary pin.  There are some great artists in the Squadron unfortunately, some of the artwork was just too detailed to be able to be reproduced on a one inch pin.  We will be posting some of the entries on the 75th Anniversary Facebook page. Officer Cadet Di Loreto submitted the idea for this pin.

I had the opportunity to attend the Central Region Commanding Officer’s Conference this weekend.  A lot of very interesting changes are coming in the near future.  These changes will affect the way we do business with our higher headquarters in Trenton and Borden.  There will be some growing pains but hopefully the impact felt by the cadets will be minimal.  I will keep you all informed as these changes start and let you know what it all means in the big picture.  I had the pleasure of reconnecting with an old friend and mentor at the conference and would like to congratulate Major Burns on taking command of 2 Vanden Bos  Squadron in Whitby.  Major Burns is a former Squadron Warrant Officer at Chadburn Squadron as well as having served two terms as Commanding Officer here.

I’m not sure if this past summer is the hottest one ever, I’m not really concerned about the records, I do know that near the beginning of June the air conditioner in my house decided that 30 years was old enough and it stopped working. Thankfully I spend quite a bit of time away from home in hotels that are air conditioned.  Because of my work schedule, it is very difficult for me to arrange service calls to my house, so here we are in mid-September and still no AC, at least the nights are cooler now.  One of the side effects of the AC death is that it has kept me off the treadmill because it is just too hot.  Well some friendly ribbing (I think it was friendly anyway) about my tighter fitting uniform has pushed my back in the direction of exercise.  The treadmill will now be an Elliptical machine and hopefully I’ll be able to string some thoughts together on it. 

For all the alumni out there (and current serving cadets as well), we are looking for any photos you may have that you would be interested in sharing with the rest of us.  I would like to have a large album on the 75th Facebook page and potentially an online album that the public will be able to access.  Please email any photos to chadburn75@rogers.com

That’s all for now,

Stay Safe and Have a Great Week.

Major Bliss

Our 75th Anniversary

This year we are not going to include a weekly aviation photo in the Dispatch. Instead we are going to include photos that

we have collected over the years that illustrate the history, traditions and activities of our Squadron over the past 75 years.

Our Squadron in 1943 In the Oshawa Armouries


If you have comments or suggestions on ways to improve our newsletter, our website or if you wish to unsubscribe from this email please notify


151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Proudly Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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