151 Chadburn Squadron

The Dispatch Issue # 2, Week of Sept. 20, 2015

Proudly Sponsored for over 70 years by:

The Rotary Club of Oshawa

Issue 2

Week of Sept. 20, 2015


Tomorrow Evening is “Parent Cadet Information Night For New Recruits”

If you know of someone who is interested in becoming and air cadet please encourage them to attend.

The start of our first new recruit course will be held on Monday September 21, 7:30 – 9:00 PM, Rotary Hall 254 Centre Street South, Oshawa. We ask attendees to park across the road at Village Union PS, access from Gibb Street. All guests are asked to be seated by 7:15 PM. We will begin with a presentation about the air cadet program followed by the application process. The application package can be found at the following link, we strongly recommend that parents complete this package prior. 


New Recruits MUST BE 12 years of age at the time of joining.

The briefing will last about 1 hour with time for questions at the end.

Please remember new recruits must provide one of the following forms of Identification:

Canadian Birth Certificate or

Canadian Passport or

Canadian Citizenship Card or

Canadian Landed Card

Please also bring your Ontario Health Card.

We quite often hear that parents and young people have never heard of the Canadian cadet program and the amazing opportunities that are available to youth in this organization.  Remember alumni, current cadets and staff are the people who know about this program and its many activities. Make sure you take a moment to let people know about the Squadron and how youth can join the air cadets.


This is the new service that we will be using to help improve the communication within the Squadron. Signing up for this service will enable you to receive the text and email from us reminding you of important upcoming events.  This will not take the place of the weekly call that all cadets should be receiving, but will make sure we get timely reminders and notices out to the entire squadron.  This will also be used to announce weather cancellations and any last minute changes.

To sign up you can follow the instructions found on the poster attached to this email or text the following

@151ch to the following number (289) 812-3805

Ribfest at Lakeview Park, Gliding at Mountainview, Fly in at Hawke Field

One of the busiest weekends of the cadet year happens before our Squadron is even up and running. This past weekend with no previous cadet parades where we could organize activities

the Squadron had to call all its cadets to get enough volunteers and staff to man these important activities. Helping Rotary with one of the club’s most important fund raising projects is obviously the

most important project of all. To keep the pressure on, the staff at the gliding centre have also decided that out squadron should be the first cadet unit to participate in the fall cadet gliding program.

Of course the flyin at Hawke field just happens to be on this same weekend every year.

Everything usually works out quite well but this year someone forgot to contact the rain gods and we were faced with two days of overcast, rain and drizzle. The ribfest proved to be a considerable challenge and  the gliding was cancelled as well as the activities of the cadets at Hawke Field. However the cadets who were going gliding did go to CFB Trenton where it just happened to be family day at the base. The next stop was a tour of an Air Force C17 transport. As you can see from the photos the cadets ended up flying in one of the largest AC in the Air Force. So the day while it was wet and miserable turned out to be a memorable day for 151.


Cadet Activities










Cadet Tagging






Cadet Tagging






Cadet Tagging






Cadet Tagging






Halloween Dance

420 Wing RCAFA





Outdoor Training






Outdoor Training









From the Treadmill

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great summer and is ready to jump back into the hard work and fun activities that we have in store for you all.  There are some very interesting things in the works for the upcoming training year.

I was extremely proud to see photos of the Squadron at the Battle of Britain parade today.  I am sorry I missed the parade, but I was in Trenton for the annual Commanding Officer’s Conference.  It is unfortunate that the conference was scheduled for the same weekend as this very important anniversary, but it was the only weekend available.  There was some good information passed down at the conference and many of our cadets will be excited to learn some of the new programs that are coming on line this year.  

From everything I saw, the Squadron looked fantastic at the parade and you should all be very proud.

It was a very busy summer for many in the Squadron and over the next few weeks we will be looking at some of the things that have been going and what some of our cadets have been up to.  I would like to remind everyone that we are always looking for photos of your activities to display.  Please don’t be shy with them.

Hopefully all of the parents received the information sheet that was sent home last week regarding the new service that we are using called Remind.  This is a voluntary thing that I would like to use to get the weekly message out to people.  I am rather disappointed that only 30 people have signed up so far.  Just to reassure everyone, this system will only be used for important messages and reminders.  We will not bombard you with texts and emails.  I encourage you to sign up Tat your earliest opportunity.  To those who have already signed up, thank you. Please note that we have attached a notice that provides instructions on how the system works and the numbers you will need to use the system.

That’s all for now

Stay Safe and Have a Great Week

Major Bliss

Aviation Photo of the Week

The Restoration of N3200 a Mark 1 Spitfire which crashed on the beach at Dunkirk in France

With the Battle of Britain Ceremonies on Sunday it would seem a story about Spitfires would be the right AC to feature in our photo section.

On March 26, 2014, Historic Flying Ltd. in Duxford, England successfully test flew the latest masterpiece to emerge from their workshops; Supermarine Spitfire Mark 1, N3200. There are now four airworthy Mark I Spitfires in the world, This particular survivor has quite a colorful history, having been on strength with 19 Squadron at Duxford during the Battle of France. On May 26th, the Squadron’s commanding officer, Sqn Ldr Geoffrey Dalton Stephenson was flying N3200 during the evacuation of Dunkirk, protecting the British forces below. During combat with German fighters, N3200 received some bullet strikes; one of which holed the radiator. With his engine seized, Stephenson put the stricken Spitfire down on the beach at Sangatte in France, where he was picked up by the Germans and became a POW. The Spitfire sat on the beach, with the waves slowly burying her in the sand, and there she lay for another forty six years. The Spitfire was eventually rediscovered in 1986, and exhumed by a group in France. Her remains went on display for the next decade or so at the famous underground V-3 Museum at la Forteresse de Mimoyecques, Today the aircraft has been fully restored and the aircraft proudly wears the same livery she wore when she was with 19 Squadron flying from Duxford. The story of the restoration was documented in a Channel 4 television program featuring Guy Martin.

N3200 Today

If you would like to learn more about this remarkable restoration click on:

Guy Martin Builds a Spitfire MK.1 Channel 4 FULL episode

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151 Chadburn Squadron

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

*** Excelsior per Debere ***Excellence through Endeavour

Proudly Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oshawa

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