Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 

Duke of Edinburgh Logo 1

The Program

The purpose of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is to encourage young people to set their own goals and challenges, work towards achieving them, and then be recognized at the end for sustaining the commitment they have made. There is no competition between the participants. The only people with whom they compete are themselves. Self-motivation is fundamental to the framework. There are no set standards to achieve. The criteria for gaining an Award is based on each participant’s individual improvement and potential at the starting point of the Award. There is no such thing as failure in the Award. Even if an Award is not attained, just being involved brings new friends, new knowledge, and new adventures. The Award program has three levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each requires an increasing level of commitment and effort.

The Award Framework is designed to encourage youth to set and achieve goals. It is a journey of self-development, self-training, and personal achievement, and is based upon individual effort and improvement. To achieve an Award, participants must set goals in multiple program areas: service, skills, physical recreation, an adventurous journey, and an additional project.


Link to Duke of Ed website: CLICK HERE


Chadburn Award Winners


The following cadets from 151 Chadburn Squadron have successfully completed the Duke of Edinburgh’s program.

Gold Awards

 1978 Diane Karney, David Fletcher, David Rowan,  1979 John Rowan, Bert Weigel, Debbie Merkac, Sandy Harris,  1980 Rick Hutchuk,  Julie Fraczek,  1981 Monica Loser, 1982 Carl Steininger, Sylvia Merkac, 1983 Hans Von Sallwurk, Terri Lyn Fowlie, Scot Gouch, 1995 Greg Ogilvie, 2001 Johanna Vanvroenhoven

Silver Awards


Bronze Awards


2013 Mercy Achan, Roman Barton, Adam Boyden, Emma Dellipizzi, Nicolas Gagnon, Andrew Lloyd, Declan Lloyd, Alejandra Milne, Marissa O’Brien, Desiree Sam, Samantha Sheppard