151 Chadburn Squadron


 Frequently Asked Questions


What kind of commitment is expected?

You are expected to attend a weekly meeting, called a parade, each Monday. In addition, you will be expected to participate in fundraising activities throughout the year. Many other activities are available throughout the week.

How much does membership in the Air Cadets cost?

There is a minimal charge at the time of registration

There are nominal charges for:

Who does the instruction and supervision?

Most of the instruction is performed by senior cadets under the supervision of adult officers and civilian instructors or by the officers and instructors themselves.

What other activities do cadets do?

The Squadron offers the chance to join the band, learn precision drill, enjoy target shooting, play sports, go camping and experience gliding and flying opportunities. Other cadet activities are described on this site under the heading “What We Do”

 What do cadets do during the summer?

Cadets have the opportunity to apply to go to a variety of summer camps at military bases and schools in Canada. Training camps are 1-2,3 and 6-week courses during July and August.

Do Air Cadets get paid?

While Air Cadets are not paid during the year,  cadets have an opportunity to earn training bonuses for summer courses. In addition, some cadets have an opportunity to work at summer training centres.

Do I have to join the Armed Forces after cadets?

There is no requirement or commitment to join the Canadian Forces, but many former cadets have joined the Canadian Forces and their cadet service has gained pay and promotion benefits.


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