151 Chadburn Squadron


Frequently Asked Questions

What summer training and camp opportunities are available to cadets?

Summer training is conducted at the various training centre’s around Canada. Cadets can attend a summer course (more commonly referred to as “camp”) at these centre’s throughout their cadet career.

Summer courses range from the 1 or 2 Cadet Activity Programs(CAP) , to 6-week advanced courses. Aside from CAP, all the courses focus on an aspect of the cadet program, such as leadership, outdoor survival, sports, music, and aviation. See the course list for more details on specific courses.


Where are the training centre’s located?
There are centre’s all across Canada. The majority of cadets at 151 Sqn will go to either the Trenton Cadet Summer Training Centre (1.0 hours east of Toronto) or the Blackdown Cadet Summer Training Centre (near Barrie, 2.0 hour north of Toronto).


Who is eligible to attend Air Cadet Summer training?
All cadets who joined 151 Sqn and have 93 days on strength, are eligible to apply for summer training.  However, each cadet MUST  maintain a minimum of 75% attendance record for mandatory parades (Monday Training, Tagging) and must have returned their Lottery Tickets.


What if a cadet doesn’t have 93 days on strength?
Unfortunately, cadets who have less than 93 days on strength are NOT eligible for summer training in 2022. They may apply for courses in 2023 though.


Are there any costs?

Summer courses are fully funded by the Air Cadet League and the Canadian Forces, so all training, accommodation, food, etc are covered. The only costs may be certain items cadets need to bring (some clothing, toiletries, shoe polish, pens/pencil, stationery, etc), Cadets taking Glider and Power will incur costs related to medicals and their pilot licenses.


What about transportation to and from the training centre?

Departure Location TBA.


Can a cadet apply for any summer course?

Cadets in Level 1 or 2 can only apply for the CAP program. Level 3 and above can apply for courses designed for their level.


What courses are available?

Courses are broken down into four categories:
– Cadet Activity Program (Level 1 and 2)
– Advanced Courses (Level 3 and Above)

– Music Courses (Level 3 and above)
– Flight Programs (Glider/Power)

See the course list for specific courses.


What are the chances of getting on a specific course?

151 Chadburn Squadron will try our best to get a course of your choice for each cadet. However, there are NO GUARANTEE cadets will get a course. Choosing the right course and providing 3-course choices (except Level 1&2) will provide more options in case your first choice is not available.

Cadets who do not get on a course will get placed on a waiting list.


How are cadets prioritized to be selected for summer courses?

Priority is based mostly on your Achievement Point Totals, mandatory attendance (Monday nights, Tagging, Lottery tickets) and Officer/Civilian Instructor input. So it is very important to get involved in the squadron activities.


When can a cadet apply a summer course?

Applications for the 2022 summer training courses will start in January 2022 and Must be returned by February 28, 2022. Applications received after this date will be assessed on a case by case basis.


How and when will I know if I have been selected for a course?

Many cadets will be notified in Mid/Late April 2022.

Some cadets (those lower on the priority list) will be put onto a waiting list, in which case we won’t have exact course dates until the summer.


Returning a Summer Course Offer?

Cadets who receive a Summer Course Offer MUST return the offer within 7 days of receipt. Failure to return this offer will result in loss of the course which will be assigned to another cadet. Please contact our Summer Training Officer if you need any special arrangements.


What happens if I’m on a waiting list?

Waiting list cadets usually take spots of cadets who’ve canceled or did not show up for their pick-up. So it is best to be prepared for a last-minute call from one of your summer training coordinators. Has your bag packed based on the Kit List provided on the website under joining instructions?


What if a cadet has gotten a course but no longer wants to or is unable able to go?

Please notify the Squadron Summer Training Officer as soon as possible so another cadet can be assigned this course. Cadets who cancel in July without a good reason or those who do not show up for their pick-up may have their applications refused or will be given lower priority for courses in the following year.


What if a cadet has a medical condition that may be a concern?

Basic medical information is kept on record for all cadets. If the medical condition of a cadet has changed since registration to the Squadron or since the last medical update questionnaire was submitted then please notify the Administration Officer or Summer Training Coordinator(s) immediately.


What is life like for cadets at the training centre?

Training centre’s and courses are modeled in a military-style. This includes foot drill and marching, structured classes, sports, eating in military messes and sleeping in barracks or group tents/rooms.

Courses are focused on positive motivation, teamwork, and fairly challenging the cadets. Instructors are trained to be firm, fair and friendly, and will always work hard to ensure cadets are having fun while receiving their training.

Cadets will also find themselves in a very social environment where they get to interact with youth from across the province and the country. They also have opportunities during the evening and on weekends to unwind and take a break from training in the form of snack canteens, entertainment/sports facilities, weekend mall or movie trips, and more.


What facilities are available at the training centre’s?

Most training centre’s have laundry, medical facilities, internet access rooms, mail delivery, payphones, evening hour snacks and entertainment (in the form of canteens, arcade games, movie rooms), sports gyms/areas and internal banking (so cadets do not have to carry all their cash on them or in their bunks/rooms).


Can parents visit the training centre’s?

Parents are allowed to visit after training hours and on weekends (on 3+ week courses) where they may sign out their son/daughter for several hours.

Parents can, and are encouraged to, attend the graduation parade at the end of the course. They can also pick up their son/daughter at that time with prior permission.

Please refer to the summer training centre’s joining instructions for specific rules and times allowed for Parent/guardian visits.


Can cadets be sent home before their course finishes?

A Return To Unit (RTU) is a situation where a cadet leaves the course prior to completion. RTUs can be due to medical, disciplinary, or voluntary (with parent request/permission) reasons.

Transportation costs for RTUs due to disciplinary reasons or parental request may be charged to the cadet’s parents.


Aside from an exciting summer, are there other benefits of attending summer training?

Cadets on 3 and 6-week courses may receive various qualifications such as St John’s first aid, cadet fitness/shooting/music qualifications, Transport Canada pilot licenses (in the case of the 6-7 week flying courses), monetary bursaries or scholarships and other qualifications or certificates that can help with future employment or education endeavors.

As well, cadets will meet many other youths from cadet squadrons and corps from across the province and the country. Many friendships in the cadet program have been formed through the interaction and teamwork of cadets during summer courses.


Do Cadets get paid for Summer Training

Yes, each cadet is paid $60 per week for summer training. A cadet bank is set up at each training centre and is cashed out at the end of a course.


Have more questions?

Cadets wondering about camp life and the various courses should feel free to talk to senior cadets and NCOs.

For specific course application inquiries, talk to one of your Summer Training Coordinators or Officers during a training night or contact : 151rcacs@gmail.com

More information is available on the 151 Chadburn website WWW.CHADBURN.ORG  under the Summer Training heading.




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