151 Chadburn Squadron

Uniform Types

Uniform Types

Did you know that there are certain pieces of your uniform you’re supposed to wear at certain times? We don’t just make it up every week! CATO 55-04  – Chapter 6 actually outlines all of these different uniform options, referred to as the Orders of Dress. These are modeled after the Orders of Dress of the Canadian Armed Forces, prefaced with a “C” to designate a Cadet Order of Dress.

This notation allows us to tell you easily what uniform to wear instead of listing every piece out each week!

Authorized Uniforms (Direct Link to CATO 55-04, Section 6)

  1. C1A Ceremonial Dress (page 90)
  2. C2 Mess Dress (page 102)
  3. C3 Winter Dress/Service Dress (page 109)
  4. C3B Summer Dress/Service Dress (page 112)
  5. C5 FTU/Training Dress (page 123)
  6. C5E Sports/Training Dress (page 126)


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